Latest Photos of girls attitude Quotes:

ʺAlways Keep Them Guessing ʺ

ʺ Beauty gets the attention
but personality gets the heart.ʺ

ʺA girl never posts something without reason.
There is always a reason and a person behind every post. ʺ

ʺ True love & Loyal friends are the
hardest thing to find but keep looking.ʺ

ʺ Some of you are focuses on finding
A rich husband, I'm Focuses on being rich wife.ʺ

ʺYou can do 99things for something &
All they will remember is the one
Thing that you didn't Do. ʺ

ʺ You'll Miss Me when you'll fail to replace me.ʺ

ʺ Treat me like a queen and
I will treat you like king,
But you treat me like a game,
I'll show you hot it's played.ʺ

ʺI'm tired of following orders
It's time to build my own empire. ʺ

ʺ I win because I'm Not afraid of losing.ʺ

ʺSome times you have to leave
Not for ego but for self respect. ʺ

ʺ Mistakes of my Life:
1. I trust easily
2. I care for everyone
3. I don't cheatʺ

ʺMoney did not give me this attitude.
The attitude give me this money. ʺ

ʺYES!! This is new me.
And I have Forgetten the
Weaker version of me.ʺ

ʺDon't waste words on those
Who deserve your silence.ʺ

ʺHaters are like street dogs,
Let them bark. ʺ

ʺHaters are like street dogs,
Let them bark.ʺ

ʺI chose to alone
Not because i'm Unsociable
But because i'm Pursuing
My personal goals.ʺ

ʺI don't compare my self with others
I know I am the Best.ʺ

ʺI don't do it to
prove them wrong i do it to
Prove me right.ʺ

ʺI respect a person who
respects me when i'm not around.ʺ

ʺ I will never leave my best friend
Because that idiot knows to much
About me already.ʺ

ʺIf you want to change your life,
You have to raise your standards. ʺ

ʺJust because i don't
React dosen't mean I don't Notice.ʺ

ʺKeep your feet on ground and keep
Reaching for the stars. ʺ

ʺMy life, my rules, so keep your nose
out of my business.ʺ

ʺ One loyal Friend is worth ten
thousand relatives.ʺ

ʺSometimes it takes the worst pain to bring
About the best change.ʺ

ʺ Stop trying so hard from people that
Don't even care.ʺ

ʺ Stop wasting your time with people
Who waste theirs.ʺ

ʺ The Climb is tough but the view,
from th top is worth it.ʺ

ʺ Yeah, Im Open Minded. But That Doesn't
Mean I am Characterless.ʺ
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